Hamro FM 94.0 MHz, Chitwan

Video Information
Stationed at centrally located Chitwan, Hamro FM is the join venture of famed district-based entrepreneurs, professionals and active youths. Experienced media persons and radio professionals are talking reins of Hamro FM, the representative radio station of the mid-nepal. The FM, housed in its own building. High-tech transmission instruments as well as highly experienced human resources are feather in Hamro FM’s cap. Thus, we believe the broadcasting station can be developed as Nepal’s model FM station.

Keeping in mind the changing times, the FM airs news in every half and hour. Transmission of several programmes related to entertainment, cultural, education, literary, linguistic, folk culture is the regular activity of the FM station. Through it was established as a full commercial FM station, we have not overlooked the social responsibility. A case in point is the FM collecting relief at the time of nature disasters, chipping in disabled and helpless as well as prioritizing news and views reflecting plights of needy and voiceless people ever since it went on air.

Hamro FM can’t remain unchanged at this competitive age, thus the FM station is making its programmes more qualitative and people-oriented fulfilling listeners desires. We are committed to the development and upliftment of the areas having accessibility to our transmission. And prioritizing highly festivals, occasions, ceremonies, social activities of those areas, Hamro FM wants to remain as a representative radio station of the mid-nepal wining hearts and minds of audiences.

Contact Information:
Hamro FM 94.0 MHz
Bharatpur-12, Bypass Road, Chitwan
Post Box No: 55
Phone: 056-532996/532998
News: 056-532996, Fax: 56-532999
OnAir: 056-532994/995
Email:- 94hamrofm@gmail.com (Marketing)
             hamronews@gmail.com (Newsroom)
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