Video Information
Nepal Bani Network is a media network having 67
affiliated radio stations covering all of Nepal (all 75 districts). A
dedicated team of experts oversee the daily operations of this network
ensuring accurate, quality and timely program production and airing.
Currently, he network is airing fourteen news bulletins. The Network is
centrally operated from Kathmandu and linked with affiliated stations
through DTH satellite connection.
The network is currently building
towards final phases of becoming the first network with a nationwide
coverage and beyond (through our online stream).
Beyond working as a network sharing information in real time, Nepal Bani
is also empowering local stations effectively manage radio stations and
ensure proper documentation and growth. We accord top priority to
Business programs and talk shows on economic, political, social and
public affairs issues that are directly related to social and national
welfare. We also serve local newspapers by dispatching Features service
incorporating news, interviews, articles, and other forms of analytical
In Kathmandu we have an independent radio station that airs every
program of the Network; Radio Upatyaka 87.6 MHz covers the network 24
hours with fourteen news bulletins that go on air daily.
The Network has provided DTH receiver and dish antenna free of cost to
member FM radios who are committed to broadcast our news bulletins and
current affairs programs.
Contact Information:
NepalBani Radio Network
Contact : 01-4101136/01-4264520/
Studio : 01-4249446
General information/queries: Contact : 01-4101136/01-4264520/
Studio : 01-4249446
Amrit Adhikari, Corporate Manager:
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